SBS Foot Detox

Botanical Seven hair-health-and beauty products has partnered up with SBS Hair Studios Inc., to help rejuvenate the internal being through SBS Foot and Blody Cleanse Detoxes. This ionic therapy session will detox the body allowing your white and red blood cells to recharge while eliminating waste.

SBS Foot and Body Cleanse is an hour service in total and 30 minutes actual detoxing from the bloodstream by way of the 2,000 pores on the soles of each foot. Can you believe this?! Your body will release the unwarranted toxins, parasites, pinworms, mucous, acidosis, that is the cause of many diseases to the body. Such as Cancer, Diabetes, Alzheimer’s, High Blood Pressure and more. This foot detoxification will help restore your Ph level, reduce inflammation, rid the body from free radicals in the bloodstream, cellular repair, elimination of causative factors, liver and kidney support alongside the digestive system. It is also known to release toxins in the neuroendocrine, female and male discharge, candida, and locked in old substance or tobacco usage.

It’s time to heal the holistic way and allow your self-healing body to do what it was created to do with a boost from Botanical Seven products and SBS Foot and Body Cleanse Detox. Serving you to live a healthier holistic lifestyle through knowledge and wellness.

We do have a disclaimer sheet regarding pre-existing conditions that may alter you from receiving our SBS Foot and Body Cleanse Detox.

Join us by booking online with a simple click!

Holistic medicine is a form of healing that considers the whole person-- body, mind, spirit, and emotions. In the quest for optimal health and wellness.

Herbs are plants with savory or aromatic properties that are used for flavoring food, medicine, or as fragrances.

Ionic SBS Foot Detox actually removes toxins, acidosis, and mucus from the body. This miraculous treatment draws the impurities into the tub of water that changes colors based on organs being detoxed.

Botanical Seven hair-health-beauty products helps you to live a holistic healthier lifestyle through knowledge and wellness.

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